Traveler’s newest release, “Satisfy” could not be more appropriately named as one of those infectious tracks you gravitate toward seeking a moment outside of yourself and your hectic schedule. Find yourself and fingers fluttering along the building beat with anticipation of the track’s cheering crowd intro, hungry for that first climactic drop.
And as that melodic beat reaches the surface of your eardrums, allow yourself to transport to an exotic location like Traveler’s most recent excursion to Costa Rica’s Envision fest. Heavily inspired by the three-day celebration of music, art and culture, this tropical mix riddled with hints of low, sultry bass lines, smooth synths and a pulsating rhythm will pull you away.
Slowly merging into Spring, as we impatiently await beach season, let “Satisfy” be our mid-tempo, summer-inspired vacation from the stresses and inconveniences of the work week; a track that can carry us as far as our minds will release.
As an artist that has set out to achieve the perfect, effortless vibe for all audiences to enjoy, Traveler’s newest release will beyond satisfy.
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